Need help using this site? Check out this tutorial based on Paul Milligan's own teachings.


I signed up but did not receive an email, what do I do?

First thing you should do is check your spam folder and see if it went in there.  If it is not in there please contact us at to receive a new email.

What is on the Basic Cents USB product?

The USB product contains the audio and video teachings of Paul Milligan along with a workbook.  The teachings include the founding principles behind the Basic Cents application.

What is on this website and how is it different from the USB product?

The USB product contains all of the teachings of Basic Cents while the website contains the software that is based off of those teachings.

I purchased Basic Cents a few years ago and have a software, how is this site different from that software?

The website offers the latest updates that go along with Paul’s newest teachings.  There are also plans to continously update this version.

I have a subscription, now what do I do?

Now that you are subscribed, you can create a profile.  You will go through the fields and read the descriptions for each section.  The sections consist of income, debt and spending categories.

I have completed a profile, now what?

You will want to begin entering in information into the check register.  This will help with your budget in the Spend Tracker.  You can also go to the debt eliminator and setup a fast track amount to calculate the time it takes to get out of debt.

What does EATT mean?

EATT is an acronym for Earnings After Tithe and Taxes, it is the principle taught by Paul Milligan that states you should pay God as you would pay your taxes.  The remaining income is what is spent on the rest of your expenditures.

How does the Debt Eliminator work?

The Debt Eliminator will take the debts you have entered under your profile and a fast track amount and calculate how long it will take to payoff your debts.

How do I change information in a profile?

You will first need be sure you are logged in, then select the profile you want to change from the Profile page.  You can then click on the blue “Update Profile” button.

Why do you ask for so much personal information?

We ask for your information in order to best calculate formulas for the Debt Eliminator and Retirement Planning. Though the only information required when creating a profile is on the first page.  All financial information can be skipped if you prefer or only add what you feel comfortable with adding.  This information is secured using web security industry best practices which include but are not limited to encryption and seperation of server roles.

Will there be continuous enhancements to this site?

Yes there are plans to add new features and continuously fix bugs while improving the experience of everyone that uses this site.

I have entered a coupon code, why does it ask me for a credit card?

Part of the authorization process to use the code requires a credit card to proceed.  Though you will not be charged prior to the end of your subscription.

How do I get a coupon code?

At this time coupon codes come with the purchase of the Basic Cents product.  You can find that product here.